What Type of Social Security Disability Benefits Can a Child Collect?

May 27, 2014

There are three different ways a minor child can collect Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits.  These three ways are cash benefits paid to disabled children or to the children of a disabled person, retired worker, or in some cases a deceased parent.

1.  Low Income Families With Disabled Child – Disabled children whose families have low income can collect SSI until the age of 18, but may be eligible to collect adult SSI benefits.  These children who receive SSI disability may receive Medicaid to assist with medical expenses.

2.  Children Not Disabled or Disabled Children Denied Benefits – Disabled or non-disabled children under 18 or 19 if still attending high school on a full time basis, and have a parent who is currently receiving Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Social Security Retirement (SSR) benefits, may be able to collect dependents benefits based on their parents’ records, whether they’re disabled or not.  Furthermore, those minor children who had parents already receiving disability benefits or earned enough Social Security credits to be eligible for one of these benefits before dying.

3.  Disabled Child Turns 18 – Disabled children who are older than 18, but became disabled before turning 22 can collect disability benefits if they have a parent collecting Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Social Security Retirement Income (or a deceased parent who was entitled to one of these benefits before their death).

If you have a child that is disabled or if you’re disabled with a terminal illness and need to apply for these disability benefits, contact a SSD lawyer immediately.  The New Mexico SSI attorney will provide much needed advice to you and assist you with understanding how these benefits will be distributed once approved.  Do not delay in contacting a disability attorney and applying for benefits that will help ease the financial burden you may find yourself in.

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