What Should I do if I was involved in a Hit and Run Accident?

July 10 2014

Being involved in any car accident can be a traumatic experience; however, being struck by a hit and run driver who may be driving under the influence (DUI) makes matters even worse.  A hit and run accident can be life threatening and leave an injury victim with lifelong physical injuries.  Not only may the physical damages be worse from the impact of a drunk driver, but if an accident victim is left unconscious with no one around to call an ambulance the unconscious injury victim can die.

When drivers are involved in any automobile accident in New Mexico, there are specific laws that drivers must follow.  These include remaining at the scene of an accident and not driving off without providing assistance to the other driver.  Each driver must also exchange their license and insurance information with each other prior to leaving the scene of an accident.  However, not all drivers abide by these rules and many flee the scene due to driving while intoxicated (DWI), without a valid license, without active insurance, or having a warrant out for their arrest.  While these negligent drivers are avoiding the law for one reason or another, if caught they can be charged with a crime as severe as felony manslaughter, if someone dies due to the motor vehicle accident.

If car accident victim is involved with a negligent driver who leaves the scene of an accident in New Mexico, the accident victim still needs to take proper steps to ensure the accident is documented.  If police do actually identify the fleeing driver, you want to have as much information as possible to hold them accountable for your injuries and damages.  Ron Bell car accident attorneys offer free legal advice and a free consultation to discuss your case.  Contact us today to start building an injury case to compensate you and your family for your losses due to a negligent hit and run driver.

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