What is New Mexico Workers’ Compensation?

June 30, 2014

Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance purchased by employers which provides coverage for the employer and the worker.  The coverage is intended to protect the employer from lawsuits and to provide benefits for the worker in the case of an injury or illness while working.  Some level of New Mexico workers’ compensation insurance coverage is required by law, though the type and extent of coverage can vary for each industry.  There are additionally special protections and legal avenues available for workers in certain fields, like construction, for example, in which contractors from several businesses may be working on a single project.

Workers’ compensation, which is also commonly referred to as workers’ comp and workman’s comp., provides medical coverage for an on the job injury or work related illness, as well as job protected status while recovering.  All benefits under the workers comp system are subject to eligibility under the plan and workers must follow all appropriate steps as laid out by the provisions of the insurance coverage itself in order to see a claim approved and benefits paid under the plan.

Many employers also carry a disability insurance plan which can be used in combination with workers’ comp coverage to provide pay for an employee while recovering from an on the job injury or work related illness.  There’s usually a waiting period during which a claim is reviewed, and if the injury or illness is found to be work related, the disability insurance would begin to pay a benefit to the employee for workers’ comp related absences from work.

Workers’ comp claims limit the employer’s liability for on the job injuries and work related illnesses.  Essentially, by a worker filing a claim under their employer’s workers’ compensation coverage,their relinquishing rights to file any other form of negligence or liability lawsuit against the employer.  If you want to appeal a worker’s comp claim it is highly recommended that you consult with a New Mexico workers compensation attorney.

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