What is a spinal cord injury?
April 24, 2014
The spine is one of the most important parts of the human body. The spine itself is made up of 24 small bones called vertebra, and in between each vertebra is a small gel cushion called a disc. There are three sections of the spine called segments: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. The cervical is the top of the spine at the neck, thoracic is the middle in between the shoulder blades, and the lumbar is the lower back just above the buttocks. Below the lumbar spine is the sacrum. The sacrum is an important part of the spine as well because it has special vertebrae that connect the spine to the pelvis.
Spinal injuries, also known as spinal cord compression injuries, are very serious and need medical attention immediately. A direct, instantaneous impact to the spinal cord if pushed, pulled, or twisted during an accident, can lead to severe physical consequences, even resulting in partial or full paralysis. Experiencing spinal cord trauma isn’t always recognized right after an accident. It may take weeks or months for such an injury to manifest and having the right injury lawyer on your side is essential. Damage to the spinal cord can result from discs being injured directly or indirectly. The damage done to the bones, blood vessels, and/or tissue can contribute to injury of the cord itself.
Spinal injuries lead to many other conditions that can last a lifetime. If a person already has a weak spine from age or if the spinal canal which protects the spinal cord has become too narrow, the possibility of lifetime complications are greater. A personal injury attorney has the legal experience to guide you to the best local doctors and surgeons in the area. If an injured victim doesn’t seek proper representation, they face receiving improper medical care and fighting insurance companies alone. A personal injury attorney ensures the victims rights are protected and proper compensation for damages are received.