Child Social Issues May Be Direct Result Of Childhood Brain Injury

June 18, 2014

When a minor is injured and diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) at school, while playing on a sports team, in a car collision or any other accident, the effects may last a lifetime according to medical studies. One specific study conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported almost half a million American children from newborn to 14 years old visit emergency rooms for head injuries annually. The CDC reported that children from newborn to four years old and adolescents 15 to 19 years old are among those most likely to sustain a TBI.

The right frontal lobe is linked with social competence. Medical researchers which included a team of neuroscientists reviewed the direct impact of a TBI to the brain’s right frontal lobe in children. The minor subjects suffered a head injury at least three years earlier and the majority during a motor vehicle accident. Detailed parental input was used at length to compare the children and their medical and social backgrounds. MRI scans showed a thickness of the brain’s outer layer within the frontal lobe. The CDC report stated the brain injuries affected their social and thinking skills. Researchers found that lingering injury to the brain’s frontal lobe impacted how the children interacted with others and lowered the quality of their social lives. This is due to the fact that our brains hold onto information in our ‘working memory’ in order to respond appropriately. If the ‘working memory’ is injured it may cause difficulty with social skills.

Children with traumatic brain injuries may need ongoing, long-term medical care. In turn, one if not both parents of the child will need to miss work or may even need to become a stay-at-home parent to take care of the child. A TBI attorney in New Mexico can assist with advising parents of children with brain injuries on their legal rights. The injury lawyer can assure parents and their children their rights and privacy to be protected during any litigation process. Attempting to handle an injury lawsuit involving a TBI is not recommended due to the complex nature of the law. Proper compensation and possible disability benefit application with Social Security Administration (SSA) are only two ways the TBI law firm can assist your family.

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