What Is Necrotizing Enterocolitis?

According to a study archived by the National Library of Medicine, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a condition that affects about one out of every 1,000 babies but is more prevalent in those born prematurely. It is an inflammation of the intestine that can lead to infection and various other adverse health conditions.

Premature babies can develop NEC after drinking formula made with cow’s milk, and the mortality rate can be as high as 50 percent. While the majority of babies who survive the condition go on to make a full recovery, some will continue to suffer from complications for the rest of their lives, such as short bowel syndrome.

Who Is at Risk of Developing NEC?

Premature babies born before the 37th week are those most at risk of developing NEC. Additional risk factors include being under six pounds at birth and being fed through a stomach tube. If doctors or nurses spot the symptoms of NEC, they can switch to feeding the baby intravenously instead of through the stomach to protect the intestines.

Symptoms of NEC include:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Fever
  • High blood pressure
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody diarrhea

Types of Defective Product Cases

There are three types of defects that could lead to a product liability case. Understanding their differences can be crucial for your lawsuit. The theories are:

Defective Design

Defects that are inherent to the product’s design make it unsafe even when used as intended. For example, a baby formula designed to be made with a toxic element like lead would likely be defective by design.

Defective Manufacturing

Defects introduced during manufacturing can make individual products unsafe but don’t necessarily impact all of a particular type of product. For example, baby formula could become contaminated during its processing, causing infants to become sick.

Defective Warning

Defects in a product’s safety labels and marketing can make it dangerous for consumers. This is the type of defect alleged in most injury lawsuits against Similac or Enfamil. Victims say that the manufacturers didn’t properly warn families of the risks associated with formula made from cow’s milk for premature babies.

What Are the Dangers of Developing NEC?

If your child develops NEC after using Similac or Enfamil, they could develop a range of serious medical conditions. Some of the most common associated risks of NEC for infants include:

Intestinal Perforations

Inflammation of the intestine may lead to intestinal perforations, or small holes, in the intestine. These holes can allow bacteria to enter the abdominal cavity.

Abdominal Infection

When bacteria enter the abdominal cavity from the intestines, they can cause a severe infection that can be life-threatening for infants. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics to fight these infections.


This condition occurs when the body overreacts to an infection to the point that it begins harming itself.

Organ Failure

In severe cases, an infection can lead to organ failure, which can result in lasting damage even if the child survives.


In the worst-case scenario, the infant could die as a result of the infection.

If your child developed NEC and suffered from one of the conditions listed above, you may be eligible to seek compensation through an injury lawsuit. Complete our questionnaire to learn more.

Evidence Required to Qualify for an NEC Lawsuit in Albuquerque

For a successful lawsuit for NEC, families will have to provide evidence of a few specific things:

  • Use of Similac or Enfamil – First, you must show that your premature baby was given Similac or Enfamil. Their medical records from their time in the hospital should mention this.
  • NEC Diagnosis – Second, your child needs to have been diagnosed with NEC. This diagnosis will also be in their medical records. However, a doctor can also provide a note stating that your child had NEC.
  • Medical Treatment Records – Third, you must show that your child was treated for NEC. These records should detail the type of treatment they underwent, for how long, and the treatment results.
  • Financial Records – Finally, you must have records detailing how your child’s diagnosis financially impacted you. Most often, this is done by submitting medical bills as evidence.

Compensation Available to Victims of NEC

Families can seek various types of compensation through their NEC lawsuit. Some of the most common forms of compensation sought include:

  • Medical Expenses – Compensation for surgeries, medical treatments, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Pain and Suffering – Compensation for your child’s physical pain and suffering experienced because of their condition.
  • Emotional Distress – Compensation for the emotional distress you experienced due to your child’s condition. Having a child with a serious medical condition can be very stressful for parents.
  • Permanent Disability – If your child’s condition causes them to become permanently disabled, you may be able to recover compensation to accommodate their disability for the rest of their life.
  • Funeral and Burial Costs – In the unfortunate event of the death of your child, you can seek compensation for their funeral and burial through a wrongful death suit.

Contact an Albuquerque NEC Lawyer

If you had a premature baby who developed necrotizing enterocolitis after being given Similac or Enfamil baby formula, you might be able to recover compensation for their injuries through a lawsuit.

An experienced Albuquerque baby formula lawsuit attorney from Ron Bell Law can help. Complete our questionnaire to determine your eligibility to file a lawsuit.